My comment on "Silvio Berlusconi's antics: The return of Ruby"

Here's my comment posted on "The Economist" article on Berlusconi 14/11/2011

Regardless of the outcome of yet another investigation on Mr. Berlusconi, I doubt that much will change in Italian politics. The Italian voters are way too much polarised to even change their mind in spite of the disgraceful charges brought against him and the Church (that so much power yield in Italian politics, but not in the population) will find a way to "contextualise" the fact.

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Focusing on Berlusconi is a "false problem" or rather a distraction. He is just hanging on his power in order to prevent a correct functioning of democracy throwing him out of the country or worst in jail. He should have never been there in first place (as the Economist said at the very beginning) because of his conflict of interests. Indeed his interests have stopped him doing anything for the country and Italy going anywhere.

The latest episode will probably just accelerate his decline, as any empire in demise how the fall will be managed will be more important.

Italy's Finance minister Giulio Tremonti is in charge of the normal administration in Italy, of its enormous financial problems and of its embarrassing lack of competitiveness.
Despite doing quite well in minimising in the short term the effect of the Great Recession, the long term welfare of the country hangs on a thread.
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In this confusing situation, no one seems to have the capacity to lead the country out of mess. Again the "elite", that nothing did to prevent Berlusconi coming to power, is gone AWOL leaving Italy in near-anarchical situation.

In this confusion interest groups are using their power to save their skin or worst taking advantage of it( see Lega Nord backed by Tremonti, FIAT, etc)and again the sacrifices of the austerity measures will be mainly felt by the poor or not-aligned groups (workers, Southern Italy).

Whoever will come in power after the late Berlusconi empire will have to show some justice, the road to economic and welfare growth will be hard and painful but it can be shared more evenly that it is now.

Unfortunately no one seems to take the initiative to lead the country toward a more functioning democracy, leaving me wonder that Italians just can't.  
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