This comment was posted as response to an article on "The Economist" on 10/10/09
The fact that Mr.Berlusconi doesn't accept the decision from the Court and he's trying hard to undermine it is not new and in true it's pretty boring now. Even when he lost in the precedent general election he refused to accept the outcome invoking electoral frauds. Was at time the will of people not to be respected? No, unless Mr Berlusconi doesn't get his way. To be honest, in 1994,I did believe that the actual PM would have been a good thing for my country, I thought that his experience and his entrepreneurship would have given modernity to a nation that has underachieved in the past 20 years. However, soon I became disillusioned by his antics, his inability to do anything concrete for the country apart from resuscitate old communist ghosts when it was time to look forward and to exacerbate the political debate to an extent that today I don't see how we (italians) will ever be able to work together again to make Italy a better place. And so, nowadays it seems to assist the show of little boy that just can't lose, that cries foul and doesn't respect anything. If he ever loves his country, he should leave his place to whoever but not him, in order to reinstitute a bit of dignity to our beloved Italy. I'm not a leftist and I would love to see a modern, liberal and conservative government in Italy that would make those reforms that are urgently needed, but I'm sorry Berlusconi is obviously not the person to do that, he's unfit and dangerous.
Moreover, I'd love to understand, why with all the leftist judges and communist press, the left is not even able to form a coherent opposition or at least be able to govern when needed. I think is just an excuse and an enormous lie, pretending that the left controls everything and that it's going to destroy democracy in Italy.
Finally,to everyone thinking that the Lodo Alfano was in place to guarantee our PM to dedicate his precious time for governing, I'm afraid but I don't believe anyone with such unclear past should be able to messed up my country and then being processed at a latter stage. If he's clean as he affirms he should have clarified his justice's problems before entering in politics.
Mr. Berlusconi I truly regret having voted you 15 years ago, you are the scorn of our Nation..please, for Italy's sake, leave as soon possible!