My latest Curriculum reviewed by "The CV Centre" The UK's Leading CV Consultancy
Your CV avoids virtually all of the common mistakes most people make on their CVs and you are certainly to be congratulated for this! Definitely above average.
However, that is not to say that there is not definitely room for improvement! There are two particular areas we would like to go into some detail on:
Whilst the presentation and layout of your CV is certainly good, rather than bad, it could undoubtedly benefit from some further work. Content is clearly very important - and we'll go into this in a little more detail below - but aesthetics are also critical in making the right impact on the reader. First impressions are absolutely vital. Besides eliminating any inconsistencies in formatting we work hard to carefully control the use of white space, presenting a client's information clearly and comprehensively - and with style - but within the limitations of the space available.
Content - Wording & Phraseology
Although it is beyond the scope of this review service to make specific and multiple recommendations in respect of wording and phraseology, ideally, all the wording needs to be looked at carefully by one of our consultants and selectively re-written by them according to their professional judgment. It is important to strike the right balance between too little and too much text, but it is of course extremely important to phrase your information in such a way as to sell yourself as effectively as possible. Your CV is your personal sales brochure and needs to be copywritten accordingly. This is something which can only really be done by an experienced professional. Our team of consultants has a broad range of previous experience within recruitment, personnel and HR, which enables them to produce CVs of the highest possible standards.